Mage’s Call

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Two inexperienced youths intend to solve a magical mystery encompassing missing mages, dwindling power sources, and rampant monsters: in short, a recipe for calamity. Click here for a full synopsis.

"From the fantastical creatures to the incredibly described landscapes, this story wove an amazing tale in my mind and the ending of the book left me craving the next one! I would definitely recommend this tale to everyone. 5 stars!"--Ree Breckel for Reader Views

“Compelling characters that are genuine and distinct; gripping plot with unpredictable twists, engaging tension and drama, and action pact pacing.” — The Book Gremlins

"Mage's Call is exactly the type of book I eagerly look to devour as fast as possible. It's one of my favorite books I've read so far this year, and I cannot wait to read where their adventure takes them next!" --Megan Weiss, Reedsy Discovery



Coming Soon! A collection of eight tales that cover various genres such as science fiction, paranormal, and urban fantasy. Click here to learn more!

“An amazing variety of thought-provoking and entertaining prose with unique characters, plots, and gripping scenes.” — The Book Clubbers


About D. Omran

D. Omran is first and foremost, a passionate wordsmith, which comes in handy since he’s equally passionate about fantasy, science fiction, and the paranormal. An odd mix considering most authors choose a single genre and stick to it. But D. Omran is fervent about all three and it would be impossible for him to choose one. Check out his about page to learn more about his writing journey.

To learn more about my books and other works in progress, be sure to check out my book page.